Infrastructure Seed Awards
All Seed Awards have been awarded for the Energize New Mexico project; no additional awards will be made.
The intent of the Infrastructure Seed Awards program is to increase the access of undergraduate students, especially women and members of underrepresented groups, to research experiences by increasing non-PhD granting institutions’ capacity to provide research experiences for students. The ISA may be used to purchase research and teaching equipment related to the NM EPSCoR research areas listed in the RFP and to pay for student researcher salaries, research supplies and student conference travel.
Faculty members at any public (including Bureau of Indian Education) 2 or 4-year New Mexico institution of higher education that does not offer STEM PhD degree programs are eligible to apply for these $50,000 awards. The proposed infrastructure improvements must serve to enhance undergraduate research opportunities. Collaborations with PhD-granting institutions are allowed in order to leverage additional resources and access additional expertise, but the focus must remain on building the non-PhD granting institutions’ capacity to provide and support undergraduate research experiences. A PhD granting institution cannot be the lead institution for ISA proposals. No more than one proposal from an eligible institution should be submitted.
Proposals for the 2016-2017 Infrastructure Seed Awards are due to Anne Jakle, no later than 5:00 PM on May 20, 2016.